

About Center for Sustainable Development

The mission of the Center is as follows:

  1. Formulating the goals and directions for the promotion of sustainable development at the university.
  2. Developing and promoting support systems for sustainable development at the university.
  3. Reviewing and monitoring the university's sustainable development plans.
  4. Integrating resources from the university and its affiliated institutions with government agencies and external organizations.
  5. Planning other major initiatives related to sustainable development in higher education.

Members of the Center:

Director: Executive Vice President / Prof. Yung-Chuan Ho

Administrative Staff: Ms. Shu-Hui Chou


iPAS Net Zero Carbon Planning Manager

CEO ISO-14064-1 Senior Manager for Greenhouse Gas Inventory

CEO ISO-14067 Senior Manager for Carbon Footprint Inventory

Level-B Certificate for Employment Services by the Ministry of Labor

Subordinate Office

Office of University Social Responsibility

Director: Prof. Wen-Jiuan Yen

Administrative Staff: Mr. Sung-Chen Cheng


  1. Coordinate information and regulations related to university social responsibility (USR).
  2. Integrate and promote USR-related teaching and administrative resources.
  3. Regularly convene meetings for the promotion, implementation, and oversight of USR practices.
  4. Supervise and promote the planning and execution mechanisms of USR practice projects.
  5. Plan other major matters related to USR.

Office of Sustainable Development

Director: Ms. Shu-Hui Chou


  1. Planning related to ecological symbiosis, smart healthcare, resource recycling, and green energy innovation.
  2. Drafting the annual sustainability report.
  3. Planning and managing activities related to sustainable development.
  4. Convening meetings of the Sustainability Development Committee.

Contact Us

Phone:886-4-3609-7722 ext. 15120 or 886-4-3609-7250

E-mail: cs15120@csmu.edu.tw

Address: Room 81118, 11th Floor, Cheng-Ai Building, No. 110, Section 1, Jianguo North Road, South District, Taichung City 40201, Taiwan

